Nadia Amoroso Studio
Creative Mapping, Data Visualizations, GeoDesign, Workshops and Speaking Engagements
Understanding information and making sense of it can be challenging. Nadia Amoroso offers a selection of consultation services on topics on mapping, cartography, data visualization and GeoDesign. This includes the design and visualization of maps and geo-data, design of mapping software application, 3D GIS and DataScaping. Nadia Amoroso also offers professional and academic workshops and speaking engagements on issues surrounding creative cartography, data visualization and GeoDesign. Nadia Amoroso assists organizations with their site and geographic data as a means to shape better cities and wiser planning decisions through GeoDesign process. She has spent years of research dedicated to how to best represent geo-data and urban factors. She is considered a "thought leader" on this subject matter and has published a number of books and articles on the subject matter.

Traffic Networks
"[Amoroso] has brought to the forefront a visually exciting way to view information that has spatial, creative and suggestive outcomes. With a background in landscape architecture, urban design and architecture, she crafts maps as some kind of landscape form perceived by the data type. Maps as metaphor, the data as metaphor, map as art, data as art." – Richard Saul Wurman, Information Architect
Nadia uses creative mapping to visualize and reveal hidden pattern, signularities and conditions to understand understand the data and make wiser planning and overall design decisions.

Urban Density DataScape

Zoning Envelope- Data

New York City Bus Transit Route

New York City Outdoor Patio Data

GeoDesign- Data Driven Design Solution

GeoDesign- Data Driven Design Solution

DigiFest, speaking at Toronto's Digital Festival Event of Big Data

Lectures and workshops on GeoDesign, Creative Mapping, Data Visualization, and Visual Representation

Workshops and Speaking Engagements
​Nadia Amoroso regularly speaks about her insights and research on creative mapping and data-driven design at academic institutions and professional conferences. Along with her speaking engagements, she conducts workshops on datascaping, creative mapping, effective data visualization and GeoDesign. Some of these organizations and institutions include Florida International University, Harvard's GSD, University of Manitoba, Digifest2014, Go Open Data, Canadian Open Data Experience, University of Waterloo, Digital Landscape Architecture Conference in Germany. Contact Nadia Amoroso about workshops and speaking opportunities.

Sample Student Work
​Nadia Amoroso teaches courses on creative mapping and datascaping. She speaks about how effective three-dimensional and creative mapping can reveal new insights of the site and create stronger urban design concepts from data-driven design process. Here are some sample student mapping works.

Data Connectivity

Cloud Effect

Data Connectivity